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Why it doesn't make economic sense to ignore climate change in our recovery from the pandemic

  • Written by The Conversation
Why it doesn't make economic sense to ignore climate change in our recovery from the pandemicshutterstock

It will be tempting for some to overlook the climate change challenge in the rush to restart the economy after the pandemic.

Federal energy minister Angus Taylor has flagged he wants to develop Australia’s gas-fired power to help boost the economy. And conservative political strategist Sir Lynton Crosby recently argued business...

Read more: Why it doesn't make economic sense to ignore climate change in our recovery from the pandemic

The Importance of High-Quality Truck Water Tanks

For industries such as construction, agriculture, and mining, having a reliable water supply on-site is essential. Truck water tanks provide a practical solution for transporting and distributing water efficiently. Whether used for dust suppression, firefighting, irrigation, or potable water delivery... Read more

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