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The sight of a cockroach or a rat at home is still a scary nightmare for many of us. But that is not where the suffering stops. A pest infestation can also cost our time and money in many ways. From contaminating edibles to spreading viruses, pests are all types of nuisance you can imagine.

Getting a pest control Wollongong professional to deal with an infestation can be a good choice since they eradicate the pests for good as well as lessen the chances for future infestation. But not all the work is to be done by professionals alone.

As the owner of the house, there are some things you need to take care of before getting a pest control service and after the treatment is finished. Here are some things you can do to ensure an efficient pest management service.

What Should Be Done Before Pest Control?

Prior to getting a pest control service, here are some things you should do to make the treatment more effective and quick.

Block The Entry Points

Any heavy furniture or appliance should be removed from your house's corners. This will make it easier for pest control experts to examine them. Try to locate any entry points within the home and block them before the pest control experts arrive. This prevents any more infiltration or damage than what has already been done.

Take Care Of Clothes And Furniture

Ensure all your clothing, children's toys, jewellery, cosmetics, toiletries, and other items are put away after being wrapped in plastic. Store them in cabinets and use a wide sellotape to close the gaps around the doors and drawers if you can. Masking tape is not the best option because it is made of paper and will absorb the chemicals applied.

Moving the furniture may reveal cracks where most pests like to hide and grow. Additionally, it ensures that your furniture and appliances are protected from any chemical sprays and spills that may occur during the treatment. If you are getting a termite barrier Gold coast treatment, remove the wooden furniture, including beds.

Clean The Kitchen And Dining Table

- Empty the trash can.

- Remove everything from your countertops and put it away.

- If possible, relocate small kitchen appliances outside of the room. If it's impossible, unplug them and completely enclose them with plastic wrap.

- Cover and wrap your water filter's water outlet with plastic if feasible.

- Each item of food must be kept in sturdy plastic containers.

Ensure Your Pets Are Safe

The chemicals used to treat pests are typically quite toxic to pets. Leaving your pet with a neighbour or friend while the pest control treatment is being applied would be ideal.

  • - Be sure to store your pet's toys and bedding safely.
  • - Aquariums should be covered entirely in plastic. Make sure your fish have enough food to last the entire time. 
  • - Shut off air pumps in the aquariums since they will draw in airborne contaminants and introduce them to the water.

Empty Your Bathrooms

It's preferable to leave bathrooms empty. Your toothbrushes, floss, shaving razors, and other personal hygiene items require special attention. After the treatment, it is best to replace your soaps and detergents.

What Should Be Done After A Pest Control?

As soon as the treatment is finished, the trouble has not yet gone away. You still need to follow some instructions for pest control to be effective.

Wait Before Returning Back

Wait until the suggested time if you have to leave the property before leaving for home.

Discard Leftovers Outside

In the case of Cockroach control in Adelaide or any other pest control service, if you leave any edibles on the counter, it is best to discard them.

Repair Any Leaks Around The Residency

Get any leaking faucets or drainage pipes in your home fixed as soon as possible. Leaking water gives pests a point of entry, which could result in another infestation.

Do Not Clean Immediately

It shouldn't be necessary to clean and mop the area right away. This will potentially wipe off any treated baseboards, decreasing the treatment's efficacy. Treatments for pest control are typically tailored to your needs. You will therefore be informed of the appropriate time to clean and whether certain sections should not be washed. Wait for at least one week before performing a deep clean.

Do Regular Check-Up

Though less frequently, you'll probably continue to discover dead pests in the days after the treatment. Make sure to clean up and often inspect the problem areas. Your troubles may get worse if dead pests draw in more pests.

The list of to-dos can go on since the more preventive measures, the better. But the tips mentioned above would be the minimum you ought to do. These measures will help your pest management service be more efficient and make things easier for the professional and you.

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