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Delving into a DIY project can be fun but a bit stressful at times too. While it’s exciting to bring your very own idea to life and be greeted with satisfaction by the end result, it’s not uncommon for a mishap to happen along the way. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to think about abandoning your DIY project altogether, but for those that have the determination to see their DIY project through, there is always a solution to a problem. We’ve put together some of the most common DIY problems and how exactly they can be solved.

Wobbly Structure

After hours of putting the pieces together to build a coffee table or kitchen chair, a wobble in its structure is the last thing you want to see. After all, how much can you trust a wobbly coffee table withholding the weight of a tray of hot drinks, or a chair to keep you in your place while you eat your homemade hearty evening meal?

First and foremost, a wobble is usually down to a loose screw, so it’s worthwhile checking these before getting into panic mode. Yet, if this doesn’t work, it’s a sensible idea to spread specialised glue for assembling jobs along the joints of the piece of furniture to add an extra layer of security that will bond two different pieces together. Another option is purchasing some adjusting furniture levellers or even moving the furniture to a different area, as it could be a result of an uneven floor rather than faulty assembly.

Damaged Surfaces

Amid the building process, it’s extremely easy to catch the surfaces of your DIY project with your tools, which could lead to small scratches or dents. If you’re after the rustic vibe then this kind of damage might actually help you achieve your desired look. But if a pristine finish is what you have in mind, then there’s an easy solution to the problem.

Applying a filler can help smooth small surface damages. This works well if you’re planning to paint the surface, as it can easily be covered and blend in well with the rest of the surface. This way, the damage will be harder to spot and save you time and money in the long run as it negates having to start all over again or replace the damaged item.

Loose Décor

So, your damages are a distant memory, and the wobbles are long gone, providing you with a pristine and stable structure. Yet, what happens if the finishing touches become loose? The craft of your DIY project is as important as the structural components as it completes your work to make it look aesthetically pleasing.

If your coffee table is decorated in antique tiles to suit your bohemian vibe accompanied by flower arrangements, you might find that some of the tiles might decide to loosen their grip. While strong adhesive glue will do the trick, epoxy glue is better suited to the more precise details, allowing you to focus on gluing the edges of your décor neatly and quickly.

While damaged surfaces, wobbly structures, and loose décor, all common problems in the crafting, building, and decorating process in a DIY project, might seem stressful at first, there’s no need to fret. With a deep breath, the determination to carry on, and the right solution to the problem, your DIY project is bound to see success.

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