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Live Broadcast from Jakarta, Singapore, Seoul and California

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Nov. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- MarkPlus, Inc. in collaboration with Philip Kotler Center for ASEAN Marketing will hold ASEAN Marketing Summit (AMS) 2020 on Monday, November 9th 2020, starting from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM Jakarta Time. This annual event will come up with ASEAN: Moving Ahead with Technology as the main theme and will be conducted virtually or live broadcast.

ASEAN Marketing Summit 2020 -- The Biggest Marketing Summit in ASEAN is BackMarkPlus, Inc. in collaboration with Philip Kotler Center for ASEAN Marketing will hold ASEAN Marketing Summit (AMS) 2020 on Monday, November 9th 2020, starting from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM Jakarta Time.

This biggest marketing summit in ASEAN will present industry expert speakers from various countries, especially in business and marketing. The event will discuss the most relevant issues in business through technology not only ASEAN coverage, but also Asia and worldwide.

And in this pandemic situation, AMS 2020 is very special compared to previous events. AMS 2020 will be broadcasted online worldwide from Jakarta, Singapore, Seoul, and California.

"And because of this pandemic situation, every brand goes online. The technology is accelerated very fast to adapt with the new consumer behaviour. With so many experts in AMS 2020, we are hoping audiences will get so much insights about how technology affects business, in ASEAN, the ASEAN plus three countries China, Japan and Korea, also worldwide," said Founder & Chairman MarkPlus, Inc. Hermawan Kartajaya on Saturday, November 7th 2020.

Furthermore, this year's summit will discuss how technology is used in various aspects of marketing. Starting from understanding customer's voice with new generation of Natural Language Processing (NLP), utilizing IoT and Augmented Reality to create digital customer journey, and using data for a better story-telling.

During the summit, speakers will come from various industries, not only technology companies, but also e-commerce, and social organizations. From Co-Founder of Wicked 7 Project,Christian Sarkar (USA); Co-Founder of Oculus and DTCP Korea,Dillion Seo(Korea); Founder and CEO of,Ivan Lee (USA); Business Head Marketing as a Service of Zilingo,Tushar Gidwani (Singapore); to speakers from Jakarta such as Hermawan Kartajaya himself.

ASEAN Marketing Summit 2020 itself is the the 6th edition which was held initially in 2015, and presented by the world marketing guru Philip Kotler. Ever since, the relevant issues and insights are discussed annually in AMS with various speakers all over the world, from Indonesia, ASEAN countries, Korea and also USA.

If you are interested to join this event, please contact our event representative and send your inquiry to

PR Newswire is the official news distribution partner of ASEAN Marketing Summit 2020.

For more info please contact:

Jaka PerdanaCorporate Communications Manager of MarkPlus, 818 201 958

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